FBN, Inc.

For generations, others have been speaking for Africa. From now on, FBN, Inc. will tell the African story from the African perspective, and as the saying goes: "until the lions have their own historians, the stories of hunting will always glorify the hunters."

For the first time, a free Pan-African platform providing access to loads of quality content to all Sub-Saharan Africans

Providing a wide selection of local and international content targeted for Pan-African viewers on all consumer-facing platforms

FBN owns valuable, hard-to-get licenses - DTT (digital terrestrial television) and Radio within Nigeria, Africa’s largest market, and DBS (direct broadcast satellite) to operate in 49 SSA countries - a “moat” for new firms trying to break into these markets.


A typical TV schedule in Africa has insufficient supply and overwhelming demand for even basic content

Why now?

Note(s): (1) The World Bank; (2) International Monetary Fund; (3) PWC

The solution is free advertising-supported television, with broad reach and rich content steeped in a strong understanding of the African market

The eyes, ears,

and voice of Africa

Media and tech leaders with decades of broadcasting experience who understand Africa